Safe Guarding
Welfare: Safeguarding children and young people
‘Working together to promote our young athletes enjoyment and safety’
At Castle Point Joggers we aim to provide our young athletes with a positive introduction to athletics in a safe and supportive environment. This will best be achieved through co-operation between the coaches, the parents/carers and the young athletes themselves
the welfare of the child or young person is paramount
all children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin religious beliefs and/or sexual
identity have the right to protection from abuse or bullying.
all suspicions and allegations of abuse , bullying and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
all young athletes and adults are expected to show respect for each other and follow the codes of practice they agreed to on joining.
Do you have any Concerns?
Parents/ carers, young athletes, volunteers please feel free to discuss any concerns you may have with
The Clubs designated Welfare Officer
Beverley Newman (01702555852)Or Head of Junior Athletics: Kevin Steed(07539 300423)
You should take action if :
a young athlete is concerned about someone’s behavior towards them
you are concerned about the behavior of someone towards a young person
In an emergency or if neither of the named officers are available call
Call Essex County Council - Children's Social Care on 0345 603 7627 (Out of office hours - 0345 606 1212)
NSPCC child protection helpline 0800 800 500
or get advice from England Athletics Welfare officer Jane Fylan or
call her on 0121 713 8450.
As an accredited club Castle Point Joggers follows the welfare policies and guidance of England athletics
For detailed our detailed procedures and codes of practice